League of Cincinnati Theatres Announce 2013-14 Season Ending Celebration and Awards Party

The League of Cincinnati Theatres will host the annual end-of-the season party on Monday, June 16th at Arnold’s Bar & Grill, downtown Cincinnati, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM for all area theatres, performing arts’ supporters, and the general public, to celebrate the exceptional productions that graced stages in Greater Cincinnati this past year. The three-hour, informal open house party includes entertainment provided by member theatres showcasing past and upcoming musical selections; with the award presentations to be announced throughout the evening at specific times (listed below).

6:30 PM Rising Stars and Technical Awards
7:30 PM Acting Awards
8:30 PM Director, Best Productions, Audience Service Award

Nominees and Honorable Mentions are posted here on our website.

Nominations and awards are selected by the League of Cincinnati Theatres panelists who review Cincinnati theatre throughout the entire seaason. Panelists include artistic and creative representatives from area theatres, local educators in the performing arts, and local theatre enthusiasts.

About the Event:

The LCT Season Ending Party and Annual Award Celebration is OPEN to all participating theatres, patrons, supporters, and the general public. All are welcome to join the party!

Monday, June 16th, 2014
6:00-9:00 PM
Arnold’s Bar and Grill
210 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Tickets: $15 per ticket, includes appetitzers
To purchase tickets, use the PayPal link on this page at right (Paypal account is NOT required, you may also pay by credit card) or contact Pam Young: lctpam@gmail.com. For questions about the event, contact Piper Davis at piperndavis@gmail.com.