Cincinnati“™s Unified Auditions, hosted by the League of Cincinnati Theatres, are scheduled for Saturday, March 15 and Monday, March 17 at the Playhouse in the Park, mornings and afternoons. Limited slots are available for professional and soon-to-be professional actors to be seen by Artistic and/or Casting Directors from the League member theatres and surrounding region.

Auditions are open to all actors, stage managers, designers and stage technicians 18 years of age or older who are available to work during the 2014-2015 season.

Membership to LCT is not required, as it has been in the past.

“œAs an actress, this is where I got my start, at the Unified Auditions, here in Cincinnati many years ago.  Over the years I have worked at many of the theatres that saw me at that one audition,“ says Piper Davis, actress, LCT board member, and event co-chair.

“œLCT is offering these auditions free to the theatre community,“ says Ted Weil, Artistic Director of the Falcon Theatre, and event co-chair.

Lynn D. Meyers, Artistic Director of Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati states, “œWe are at the Unifieds each year to see our practicing local actors.  I hang on to these resumes.  I have seen talented actors at the Unifieds that I might have otherwise missed.“

Monday, March 17th will be reserved primarily for Equity performers.  Saturday is primarily for non-Equity actors. Auditions will take place at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park.

Actors will have two minutes to perform two contrasting monologues or a monologue and a song. An accompanist will be provided. No CDs.
For Technical Interviews, please bring a portfolio and/or photos of your work and a resume if you are a designer.  For Stage Managers or other stage crew, bring a resume. Interviewees will have 10 minutes with the theatre representatives.

March 1, 2014 is the deadline for guaranteed audition spots. Applications received after that date will be assigned spots on an as-available basis.
To register, please go to the website:  and for any questions, please contact Kirk at