Carnegie/CCM“™s “œBoeing, Boeing“ Recognized by LCT

CarnegieBoeingImagePanelists for the League of Cincinnati Theatres (LCT) have recognized featured actor Shaun Sutton for his work in the Boeing, Boeing, co-produced by The Carnegie and the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music“™s Drama department.

Boeing, Boeing is a comic farce featuring the antics of Bernard, a playboy who has juggled his romances with three beautiful flight attendants until a change in their schedules brings them to his flat all on the same night. Panelists particularly praised Shaun Sutton“™s “œimpressive“ portrayal of Robert, Bernard“™s friend: “œHis use of facial expressions and body really helped sell the physical comedy of the role.“

Boeing, Boeing continues through November 24th. Tickets can be obtained online at

Nominations for LCT awards will be determined and announced at the end of the season and winners awarded at the annual LCT gala in the spring.