Cincy Fringe 2023: Kat’s Reviews
Reviews of Cincy Fringe 2023: Julie, 1nce Upon a Lie, Rappings, The Highway Woman, The Rembrandt Job, UDFCC and RUH-Roh
Reviews of Cincy Fringe 2023: Julie, 1nce Upon a Lie, Rappings, The Highway Woman, The Rembrandt Job, UDFCC and RUH-Roh
I’ll be sharing my thoughts as I go (plus a few favorite spots for food and drinks nearby), so follow along here and on Instagram!
This play will lift your spirits. While this reviewer enjoys small intimate theatres…, it is always nice to see theatre in larger spaces with larger
Higher delivers on the promise of the modern rock musical; It touches the soul through harmony and beauty while bringing you face to face with uncomfortable slices of reality.
‘How do we wield power and who becomes subjugated under it? What does it mean to literally or metaphorically “murder” someone?’
If you love horror, psychological thrillers, and love to feel scared then this Macbeth is the show for you.