Human Race“™s “œAirness“ Rocks!
Underneath the outlandish costumes are some serious acting chops and wicked moves.
Underneath the outlandish costumes are some serious acting chops and wicked moves.
NKU“™s “œNoises Off“ is a “œWho’s on First“ farce, filled with dynamic and lovable characters that you’ll not want to miss.
The musical is, frankly, a lot: a lot of look, a lot of synth, a lot of meta jokes about artists, gentrification, and 40-year-old gays
Overall, this is a fun-packed musical sung and danced well with a lot of energy. The actors seem to be
enjoying their roles as
The Performances
All of the students do an excellent job at portraying their roles. The cast of Trifles really sells the circumstances and the coldness of both the Iowa farm where it takes place. They also sell the tension of both the murder and the gender politics on display.
Higher delivers on the promise of the modern rock musical; It touches the soul through harmony and beauty while bringing you face to face with uncomfortable slices of reality.
‘How do we wield power and who becomes subjugated under it? What does it mean to literally or metaphorically “murder” someone?’