Start Higher, End Higher Still: A Review of the American Legacy Theatre production of “Higher”
“Kyle’s descent into opioid addiction at the end of act one was very intense and truly compelling.”
“Kyle’s descent into opioid addiction at the end of act one was very intense and truly compelling.”
If you looked back on your life, would you make the same choices?
This weekend is a perfect time to listen to “œR.U.R.“–AI taking over our lives is a very scary story.
The play is ultimately less about the power of rock, than it is about the power we all have inside us to create and express
Underneath the outlandish costumes are some serious acting chops and wicked moves.
NKU“™s “œNoises Off“ is a “œWho’s on First“ farce, filled with dynamic and lovable characters that you’ll not want to miss.
The musical is, frankly, a lot: a lot of look, a lot of synth, a lot of meta jokes about artists, gentrification, and 40-year-old gays
Overall, this is a fun-packed musical sung and danced well with a lot of energy. The actors seem to be
enjoying their roles as
This “Macbeth” is definitely worth a watch if you are a fan of a disturbing sort of Kubrick-esque feel, a smart integration of theatre and media, or simply the text itself.
“Kimberly Akimbo” thrills audience members looking for a feel-good, comical performance. If you want to spend an evening with loved ones laughing and reminiscing on the good times in life, this is the show for you. Audiences, young and old, will love this production.
“Kimberly Akimbo” is a purely original show and a showcase of theatre as its own art form. It’s not trying to act like a movie.