Fury and Focus Fuel Know“™s “œGirl in the Red Corner“ 
Review by Liz Eichler of “œThe Girl in the Red Corner“: Know Theatre Know Theatre“™s ready to rumble! With the theme “œThe Fight“, Know appropriately
Review by Liz Eichler of “œThe Girl in the Red Corner“: Know Theatre Know Theatre“™s ready to rumble! With the theme “œThe Fight“, Know appropriately
Review by Raechel Lombardo of “œGirl in the Red Corner“: Know Theatre If you and a friend or spouse are arguing over whether to see
Review by Christiana Molldrem Harkulich of “œMiss Holmes“: Cincinnati Shakespeare Company Who is Sherlock Holmes? As Lestrade answers in Cincinnati Shakespeare Company‘s 2019-2020 season opener “œMISS
Review by Doug Iden of “œMiss Holmes“: Cincinnati Shakespeare Company In a reimagined take on the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, the regional premiere
Review by Doug Iden of “Pippin”: Incline Theatre Not many musicals are set in 8th Century Europe, feature the assassination of a well-known monarch (Charlemagne),
Review by Nathan Top of “Pippin”: Incline Theatre The Warsaw Federal Incline Theater“™s “œPippin“ proves to be dazzling, funny, and sincerely moving. Music and lyrics
“Kimberly Akimbo” thrills audience members looking for a feel-good, comical performance. If you want to spend an evening with loved ones laughing and reminiscing on the good times in life, this is the show for you. Audiences, young and old, will love this production.
“Kimberly Akimbo” is a purely original show and a showcase of theatre as its own art form. It’s not trying to act like a movie.
Local 12’s Bob Herzog gives off a bit of a Jim Carrey vibe in his interpretation of the Cat which is fun and highly entertaining.